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Model United Nations (MUN) which is also referred to as assemblage is a recreation of the Cumulated Nations where students role-play as delegates from different countries and engage in debates and negotiations on universal issues. The goal is to address twisted international challenges through diplomacy and collaborative quandary-solving.

As in our school, students have 26 delegates representing 26 countries where each student comes up with their own ideas. We have 26 students who engage in the usual formal mock MUN with Videos and PPTs which helps them to understand better about it. Basically in MUN conferences, participants typically prepare by researching their assigned countries' policies and perspectives, drafting resolutions, and engaging in discussions with other delegates. These conferences can range from high school level to university and even professional levels, and they frequently fixate on issues such as human rights, environmental concerns, and security. 

Each conference conventionally has different committees that mimic authentic UN bodies, such as the Security Council, the General Assembly etc. MUN allows participants to develop public verbalizing, negotiation, and critical celebrating skills, and it offers insights into international perceptions and universal diplomacy. 

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